Tkinter in a Conda environment

Tkinter, Fonts and Conda Tkinter applications look horrible if launched from a Conda environment. This is due to the tk package not being build with truetype support in conda ( Work-Around install the tk package with xft support conda install -c conda-forge tk=*=xft_…

URLs in LaTeX with proper line breaks

Problem While the hyperref package provides the \url{} command it doesn't handle line breaks well. Solution Use the package xurl. As of January 2022 it is the newest and best-working solution to the problem.…

Basic Doom Emacs Commands

This is basically just a collection of various commands I discovered while learning to use Doom Emacs. All Sources will be listed at the bottom of this page. Also. This side does not provide a lot of explanation regarding the function of the commands. It is just intended as a…

git diff for zip-based file types

Normally the git diff command only outputs gibberish for all zip-based file types like .odt (Libre Office) or .FCStd (FreeCAD).These file types are however only zip files with fancy names that contain (mostly) text files that could be versioned with git. To get proper git diff functionality for these…

Using 3Dconnexion Mouse on Arch Linux

1. Check if the mouse is recognized by the system $ grep 3Dconnexion /proc/bus/input/devices 2. Install open source drivers libspnav and spacenavdfrom the AUR (propriatary drivers are very old) 3. test the setup by running the daemon manually (test programs like FreeCAD might need to be restarted) $ spacenavd…

Extract images from a PDF on Linux

By using the pdfimages command included in most Linux distributions it is easy to extract all pictures included in a PDF document. Instructions on how to use the command can be found here. Note: the target directory for the extracted images must be created before executing the command, else it…

Wireguard keepalive If one peer is behind a DynDNS you need to use the script included with the wireguard-tools package. Excelent documentation in the Arch-Wiki Note: wireguard-tools package is installed on another directory in Debian than in Arch. use apt-file…